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Autorient Technologies AS

Solutions for positioning of autonomous systems.

Autorient Technologies AS

  • Vestfold Innovation Park
    Raveien 205
    3184 Horten
    Norway 916 161 484


    +47 90160149

Autorient AS will establish a selection of products within positioning and control of autonomous- and semi-autonomous vehicles, drones and movable robots. Our products will all include unique MEMS sensors with capabilities not offered by others. IoT and AI will be fundamental generic characteristics to support multi-task and multi-unit operations, online and linked communication and efficient self-learning algorithms. We are now ready to enter the industrialization phase.

Founders and Team
– World leading MEMS achievements


CEO & Founder
  • 40+ years within industrial- and automotive sensor industry
  • World recognized MEMS business pioneer – founder of Sensonor
  • Introduced several world first products to the global market
  • Achieved world leading position for several industrial- and automotive sensor products
  • Extensive international network within high tech industries


  • 40+ years within sensor research and industry
  • Responsible for technology- and product development for several world leading MEMS sensor products
  • Established several manufacturing lines and operations
  • Sensor- and measurement expert
  • 50+ journal- and conference papers, keynotes, lectures
  • 30+ patents, patent applications

Eskild R.

  • 20+ years within industrial sensor- and MEMS R&D
  • Founder of Micronitor AS – Inertial systems
  • R&D cooperation/funding: global networking, research related EU-initiatives, Innovation Norway, Norwegian Research Council
  • MEMS gyro- and accelerometer expert
  • PhD: “Macro-modeling of Micro-systems”
  • 10+ journal- and conference papers


  • 30+ years within industrial micro-electronic development, testing and engineering
  • ASIC and digital signal- and processing expert
  • Micro-electronics lead engineer: encryption, thermal imaging, MEMS gyros, ultrasonic scanners, embedded software, automotive instrumentation
  • Project management of CMOS ASIC development projects


  • 20+ years within industrial nano- and micro technology, MEMS design- and development
  • Semiconductor and MEMS design expert
  • PhD w/great distinction – Applied Sciences
  • 20+ journal- and conference papers and text books
  • 10 patents, patent applications
  • Project management of MEMS and packaging design projects

About us

Autorient AS is a Norwegian high-tech start-up by a team of five individuals coming from the well-known Norwegian company SensoNor. SensoNor is mainly known as a pioneering and successful company within solid-state semiconductor sensors (MEMS) for the automotive and the avionics industry. Together this team has more than 150 years with experience within MEMS inertia- and pressure sensors and long wave IR imaging chips, ASICs and microelectronics and sensor control systems, for numerous of applications where MEMS replaces old technology and makes previous impossible missions to become possible. In the same way as the human senses are the absolute recourses for the “man”, sensors are the absolute means for machines and operations to become autonomous.

Operational from medio 2016 Autorient focus to establish a wide selection of standard products for professional OEM customers within the positioning and control of autonomous- and semi-autonomous systems and operations. Autorient’s products will all include unique proprietary MEMS sensors with capabilities not offered in the open component market. Such capabilities are needed due to the many regulations, high accuracy and agility for centimetre and millimetre operations, and the security and safety often involved within these emerging applications. IoT and AI will be fundamental generic characteristics of our products and in that context support multi-task and multi-unit operations, online and linked capabilities and related self-learning algorithms required by any future autonomous machine and operation.

The key for any success within the future industrial market is the understanding of the rise of the autonomous economy; the forth industrial revolution. The autonomous revolution involves a) gather data b) process the data c) act based on the refined data d) receive feedback data and learn from the results. In a simple way it can be said to involve the “brain to machine” transfer. Industrial products within this forth revolution is all sorts of applications where today the human brain is involved doing “work”. The three first industrial revolutions were: 1) 1750-1850 “hand to machine” 2) 1870-1914 “the technological revolution” 3) 1950-2010 “the digital revolution”.

After the start-up phase developing our first MEMS gyro sensor and establishing the architecture, concepts, software- and hardware-platforms including key components for our system products, Autorient AS are now ready to execute the industrialization and first commercialization phase.

Autorient ASIAN Ltd.

  • Manufacturing in Thailand

  • Product manufacturing – assembly and test – low cost production
  • Close vicinity to Thai Micro-electronics Center
  • Close vicinity to key component suppliers
  • Sales within Asian markets
  • Location within Gemopolis tax free zone in Bangkok close to Suvarnabhumi airport